Personalized Memories
A timeless gift that will be cherished for many years to come
Unlimited Revisions
We won't stop until you are happy
Yes you can. All customers get to preview their artwork and request any changes. We'll email you once your preview is ready.
Remember, we offer artwork previews and unlimited revisions so you can make sure you're 100% happy with your artwork!
Please check your emails often, including the spam and promotion folder.
We're 100% dedicated to ensuring you love your artwork!
Once your portrait is ready, we'll notify you via email. You can either send us your edit requests, or approve it for printing. We won’t start production until we receive your approval.
Please check your spam and promotion mail folder if 3 days go by and you have not received your artwork preview. If you still can not locate the email, please do not hesitate to send an email to asap.
We're proud to offer unlimited revisions free of charge, so you can be confident you'll love your portrait.
Your artwork digital proof will be ready to view in 2-3 days after you place your order. We will start the canvas/poster production immediately after you approve your artwork. The faster you approve, the quicker we can ship!
USA: Orders arrive within 7 - 12 days from the date you approve the design
UK, Canada, and Australia: 8 - 14 days from the date you approve the design